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发布日期:2025-01-03 17:28    点击次数:122
  CHANGE IN THE NEW ERA   导读   巍巍井冈山,逶迤五百里。这里,曾经“山头鼓角相闻”;如今,放望眼,蜜柚成林,枝悬金果,还有闻名乡间的葡萄藤,密密匝匝堆满如玉珠玑……如上画面,取自中国日报记者Ian Goodrum(伊谷然)吉安、井冈山两县采风拍片实录。对于熟知中国革命史的伊谷然而言,井冈山并不陌生。   采访归来,他很认真地告诉团队:他眼中的“井冈山”,不再止于“革命摇篮”,也不止于“率先脱贫摘帽”,因为,更触动他的是精神和信仰。   本期《重温嘱托看变化》,带您了解一名美籍记者眼中的老区变化。从伊谷然的采访笔记,看他眼中的中国“脱贫模式”,以及“井冈精神”。   吉安脱贫“四个一”模式   Each area needs to find its own model to escape poverty. But coordination and guidance nationwide helps structure the campaign and lead the people in overcoming this obstacle, just as the people overcame colonialism, imperialism and feudalism 70 years ago.   每个地区都应该找到自己的脱贫模式。但是,国家的统筹协调和指导,是推动脱贫攻坚工作有效展开、带领全国人民克难制胜的法宝。这一点,中国人民在70年前成功抗击殖民主义、帝国主义、和封建主义中已是明证。   ——伊谷然的吉安笔记   吉安县,地处江西省中部,是井冈山革命根据地(revolutionary base)的重要组成部分,走出了46位开国将军。2017年10月,吉安成功“脱贫摘帽”(to scratch itself off the list of impoverished counties)。   伊谷然在采访了江南村井冈蜜柚基地、横江葡萄谷、养鸡扶贫合作社、吉安工业园区后,总结了吉安脱贫“四个一”模式(Four-one model of poverty alleviation):   “四个一”即每个家庭可以通过四个选项,找到适合自己的脱贫之路。   There are four options available to each household, which can find its own way of breaking out of poverty.   具体而言,村民可以通过选择种植蜜柚(pomelo planting)、种植葡萄(grape planting)、开办养鸡棚(chicken raising)增加收入。此外,每户家庭至少一名成员可进入工业园区务工(to get employment in the industrial park)。   “四个一”靠谱么?那当然得听民众如何说啦!   横江镇溪村村民肖桂根说:“我们村干部提供给我们技术。我自己在我们村小组租了一块地,现在种葡萄种了七八亩,每年的收入有八九万。”   The leaders of our village taught us skills. I rented a plot of land, with an area of 4,000-5,000 square meters, for growing grapes. This offered me an annual income of 80,000-90,000 yuan.   井冈山模式:红色培训生态旅游   Two colors stand out in Jinggangshan – green and red. Red, of course, is the color of the army and the Communist Party of China, due to the area's status as the "cradle" of the Chinese revolution. But it is also green, because all over the area great care is being taken to preserve and protect the environment while increasing productivity and incomes.   红色和绿色成为井冈山的主色调。身为中国革命的“摇篮”,红色,当然指的是中国共产党和其领导下的军队。同时,井冈山还属于绿色,因为随处可感受到:大家在努力发家致富的同时,十分关注生态环保。   ——伊谷然的井冈山笔记   井冈山,地处湘赣边界,因地势险要,成为战争年代一道天然的防御屏障,但该地形却成为其在和平年代经济发展的障碍。   Jinggangshan is located at the intersection of Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. While the geography of steep peaks helped to stave off the enemy's attacks, after the revolution that became an obstacle to economic development.   国家“精准扶贫”启动以来,井冈山于2017年率先打响全国592个国定贫困县脱贫摘帽“第一枪”,彼时,距离井冈山革命根据地建立已整整90周年。   沿循着历史脉络,伊谷然踏访了井冈山茅坪乡神山村和荷花乡两地,总结了这里的脱贫模式是:种植茶叶+红色旅游。   在井冈山茅坪乡党委书记刘晓泉的村民脱贫账本里,有一笔收入是给参加“红色培训”的学员做“红军餐”。   他这么向伊谷然解释:   “我们把神山打造成了井冈山红色培训脱贫攻坚的一个现场教学点。通过吸引红色培训的学员到村子里来,我们成立旅游协会,安排学员到各家各户吃饭。我们老百姓从农家乐这一块儿获得收入。”   The Shenshan Village has been transformed into a center for "red education" courses. To attract those taking training courses in Jinggangshan, we established tourism associations and arranged for trainees to have meals in each household, so villagers can earn an income serving food.   这种红色旅游模式确实可以惠及于民么?带着该疑问,伊谷然采访了老范叔民宿五号的老板黄符妹,她这么说:   “自从发展乡村旅游以来,我家搞起了民宿,一年的收入比以前增加了好多,而且,也不用辛苦出去打工赚钱了,还可以在家里照顾小孩。”   Since the development of rural tourism, my home began providing accommodation for tourists. My annual household income has increased much. In addition, we don’t have to work outside home as hard as we used to. We can take care of children at home.   “井冈精神”绽放新的时代光芒   What struck me the most about my trip to key places in the history of the Chinese revolution was how crowded each one was. Everywhere I went was filled with people eager to learn more about their country's history. The farther from the revolutionary years we get, the more important remembering this history becomes. Passing down stories of soldiers and martyrs is essential to remind those who did not live that struggle how difficult it was, and how much those who fought it gave up. Jinggangshan is one of many places keeping this spirit alive.   本次采访让我最为震惊的是:每一处中国红色圣地都人潮拥挤,可见,大家对了解中国革命的过去是多么充满渴望。那些革命岁月越是渐行渐远,铭记历史越显得尤为重要。传承红军和先烈的故事是时代所需,因为,这些故事能让生活安逸的我们懂得曾经岁月的艰难,以及负重前行的先烈所做的牺牲。在井冈山以及中国的许多地方,我依然能感受到这种精神依存。   ——伊谷然的采访笔记   在我们的视频里,伊谷然曾设想过这么一个场景:   “想象一下,你被敌军包围,食物和水均严重不足,不知道还能撑多久,但即使前方艰难万险,你仍奋勇前行,不是因为你坚信自己会活到明天,而是你为之奋斗的信仰。”   Picture this, you are surrounded by enemy forces. You are low on food and water and not sure how much longer you will last. But despite all this hardship you press on, not because you know you will survive until tomorrow, but because you believe in the cause you are fighting for so much.      在和伊谷然聊革命历史、聊脱贫攻坚,以及在阅读他采访心得的过程中,我们团队成员一致认为:这位美国小哥的“红色笔记”值得推荐,因为它不仅告诉你最为鲜活的中国故事,还会提醒活在中国故事里的你、我、他:传承“井冈精神”,不忘初心,砥砺前行。   作者:陈蓓   来源:中国日报网

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